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Our company and Henan University of Science and Technology signed the cooperation agreement between school and enterpris




(H&J News, December 29, 2018) On the morning of December 29, in the last working day of 2018, our company signed a school-enterprise cooperation agreement with the visiting Henan University of Science and Technology.

Under the leadership of Liu Chunfeng, Dean of educational affairs of Henan University of Science and Technology, a group of seven people from Henan University of Science and Technology visited our company and visited the exhibition hall of "three rooms and two halls" of Yanjiao base. Subsequently, a group of Henan University of Science and Technology came to our office in Beijing and held talks with senior executives of our company, such as Liu Heyi, Meng Xiangxian and Zou Baocheng, to discuss the contents and ways of school-enterprise cooperation between the two sides.

After the meeting, the representatives of both sides signed an agreement on school-enterprise cooperation in personnel training.